Friday, November 5, 2010

Gotta Have You. Helen Marie and Jimmy Engagement Sneek Preview

Well, we almost canceled the shoot due to the weather. But thankfully we decided to take our chances and do it anyway! It was sooo cloudy so the lighting was PERFECT!
Jimmy and Helen Marie are getting married!
I have so much respect for the two of these individuals and I have just as much respect for them as a couple. It is just delightful to be around them. I cannot be happier for these two.
Here is what I can show you for now :)
A sneek peek.

Sly Jimmy.

Her beautiful ring! Amongst the beautiful moss!
They could be part-time models.

Jimmy said, "Look! A bird!"
And Helen Marie believed.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I've been experimenting with a new trick I learned from Photo Jojo!
I'm so excited about it!
With my regular 18-55mm lense, I've been able to take some super macro photos.
It's really cool and I was surprised that it actually worked.
Here are some photos using the technique!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Landon and Sarah...

Sarah and I graduated together a few years ago. We both never would have thought that I would be in her wedding. But things have a funny way of working out that way. Now she is marrying Landon! In December! I cannot imagine her marrying someone else, or Landon marrying someone else. God is totally in the middle of this and it's exciting to see how far they have come in the past year! Thank you Landon and Sarah, for sharing your love with me and allowing me to try and capture it. Sarah, I can't wait to rejoice with you when you become a wife!


One of my favorites.
"And the friendly beast, around them stood..."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Well Hello There

I finally decided to create some sort of business.
Here you will be able to find my photography. From the kind I do on my own time, to the kind I do for others. Enjoy!
I may have gotten a little too excited and went ahead and made up some business cards. haha

Here is what it looks like!